Holiday Traveling with Asheville Airport

Bringing Gifts on the Airplane?

Yes, its hard to travel with gifts for your family and friends on an airline. We understand that, and going through security, the officials have pretty much seen everything there is to see. Its nearing Christmas, and travels are starting to bring home exotic gifts from trips, or some are already arriving to their parents for Christmas. College students are already finishing exams and traveling home for Christmas.

So, the Asheville Airport should be reminding you what you can and can't take onto a plane. There are no exceptions for holidays or special occasions. The rules still apply to 3.4 oz bottles or liquids.

Liquids to Leave At Home

While flying out of Asheville Airport you should make sure all liquids are 3.4 oz or less. You can, however, put liquids and foods in your checked suitcase under the plane. We highly advise you either ship your stuff ahead of you, or put it under the plane. We don't like to confiscate items, but sometimes it is mandatory.

Some common items to be confiscated are located in another post here.

Wrapped Gifts on Airplanes

It is perfectly find to bring a gift already wrapped on your plane flight. HOWEVER, should you have included something suspicious, illegal, or alarm triggering, we will be forced to unwrap it and inspect it. Please note, as always this is for your safety. It is often advised that you go ahead and save any package wrapping for after you've landed as package's paper are often torn on accident anyway by the passenger. Packages going under the plane are advised as always to be highly (heavily) cushioned and protected.

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