General Airport Security

Information on General Airport Security by guest author Justenzy. Thanks for your contribution to the Asheville Airport information and general airport security in general!

Let's get started:

Airport Security

Airport security is in place to prevent threats on the plane and in the airport itself. Security in airports since 9/11 have become a serious threat, governments have taking a very serious approach to how they protect staff and passengers.

Airport Security Precautions

Higher level security measures have now been put in place. Metal detectors are now in use to prevent the smuggling of weapons such as knifes and blades.
All baggage go through a screening to find forbidden items, Things such as drugs, weapons, explosives and some food and liquid are banned from air travel and the result will be the items being seized or further consequences.
America has now implemented an x-ray which all passengers will have to undertake before boarding the plane. Some questions have been asked whether this is an invasion of privacy, but is privacy more important than safety? It was either the x-ray or a full body search, which would require a state of undress. Other countries are now following this and it is expected that most airports worldwide will soon all have x-rays or another method of full body searching.

United States Security Precautions

In the United States, Federal Police are used to secure the airport, but in places such as Australia they use trained security, which have had no prior experience with the police force.
Sky marshals or better known as Air marshals were introduced in 1970 in the United States. Air marshals are in flight security that are aboard planes and remain undercover. They have been issued in Australia, Canada and United States. They were rare until 9/11, since than it has increased dramatically.
9/11 changed airport security as we know it. Countries like Australia, Canada, United States and UK have increased the security with more countries to follow, But is there a need for all this fuss? Maybe not, but do we really want to take a risk.

The Asheville Airport has taken on all of these security measures (obviously) and we are grateful for Justenzy to write for us.

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