Asheville Airport Art and Entertainment

Asheville North Carolina is one of those cities that is filled to the brim with artistic people. Some people will call Asheville "artsy" and maybe that is the case. But what we do know, is that local art goes great inside an airport waiting room, terminal, and fills every empty cranny with something special.

Art and entertainment in the Asheville Airport

So, the AVL Regional Airport is host to a plethora of local art, paintings, photography, sculptural, and abstract art. And we like to show it off, because this is Asheville! We have small 'miniature' galleries around the airport. We rotate the art inside the airport so that no matter how often you fly, you are destined to see something new almost every single time.

Art Galleries and displays

We opened our main gallery in June of 2007 which is a small alcove. Ever since our first movement to decorate the airport, we've had over 120+ different artists featured! The exhibit is often worth arriving early for!

Buy Artwork

Yes, its all for sale, unless otherwise specified. We aren't just giving your gorgeous, interesting, and unique stuff to look at, you can take it home! If you can't leave without it, you won't. However, the piece must stay as long as the exhibit is scheduled to be up. As soon as the exhibit is closed and a new one is up, we can ship the artwork to you, or as a present to a friend. Simply contact us about a piece.

Get your artwork featured at the Asheville Airport

Its really not that hard to get your art inside our airport, if you are talented. There are a few hoops to jump through, of course (what were you expecting), but after you've filled out an application and a waiver you are on your way. The first thing is to read our policy, then you can apply. Read our FAQ if you are still in question of something. However, everything is fairly straight forward.
If you are trying to get into the next exhibit you need to check on a deadline. You can submit an application at any time, but if you have a certain exhibit in mind, you will need to make sure you check on it.

Music in the Asheville Airport

Yes! Be serenaded as you wait for your plane to depart! We try to introduce a new musical arrangement into our airport at least once a week. This is of course, live music, not speakers. For those of you who would rather watch TV, that (of course) is still an option.

We gather musicians from all over North Carolina, not just Asheville NC. Its an opportunity for them to get publicity, plus practice in front of a live audience. As most people are waiting anyway, bands usually get good feedback and applause after a showing. Its always a wide variety of music. Bands, single players, instrumental and vocal. Country, fold, rock, and pop are always welcome.

A similar application process is required for musicians, although its much less particular. We really want you to be our next featured music!

The culture we are proud to present to travelers helps make us the airport that we strive to be. We don't want to be some small hick airport (which we certainly are not) and we don't try to be a metropolis airport either. We are Asheville Regional Airport, and that sets up apart from every one else.

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