Break-ins in Asheville Airport Parking

Asheville, North Carolina isn't known as a 'dangerous' city. In the 2010 crime report, North Carolina's (as a whole) crime rate decreased by 5% (source But recently, travelers through the Asheville Regional Airport have been reporting damage to their cars while they have been left in the lots. Social media website, Reddit, has just voiced complaints about burglary as one unlucky traveler reported losses of $270. The full thread on Reddit can be found here. The user, selandris, posted that the damage to the car's door handle (in an attempt to break in) cost $270 to repair. Luckily, the damage was covered by the person's insurance, but there are many insurance plans that wouldn't cover this type of damage. The car had been parked in the Long Term parking lot. Asheville Airport offers two types of parking, Short Term and Long Term. The Short Term's daily maximum is $12.00, soon to be $12.50 in 2012, and the long term has a daily maximum of $7.00. The airport's parking layout is mapped out below:

Of course, this calls into question the security measures that are being taken outside of the airport's doors. While 9/11 may have tripled airport security, there has been no apparent reason to triple parking security.

However, the Asheville Airport claims to take security measures. One such measure is the counting and recording of all vehicles from midnight to 4:00 AM. We've just messaged officials to get more information about the extend of video coverage of parking lots as well as any other security precautions we might have not been able to find.

This isn't the first break-in or vandalizing of a car in Asheville's Airport. Some citizens report "...dramatic rise in vehicle break-ins in the airport parking lot".


The Asheville Airport has responded to a complaint about the parking lot security:

[We have]Lots of security -- 24-hour police coverage for all of airport property; parking staffed 24-hours as well, plus CCTV coverage.

How to Save Money on Plane Flights

There are Do's and Don'ts to picking out a Cheap Plane Flight to or from the Asheville Regional Airport.

Here are the important Do's for traveling on a plane.

The most important 'Do' is to plan ahead. You always measure twice and cut once. That's planning, and the same principal applies to getting ready to fly on a plane. This may be a family vacation or a get-away on your favorite holiday. It doesn't really matter what its for as long as you take into consideration these things

  1. Is your departure date flexible?
  2. Do you have to be back home at an exact time?
  3. Do you want to book in advance?
  4. Would you be willing to drive to a different airport?
  5. How many transfers are you willing to make?
  6. Are you okay with taking a minimal amount of luggage?
  7. Do you need your seats together (only if you aren't traveling by yourself)
If you are okay with leaving or departing at possibly different times than you may have first assumed, you might be able to get onto a ticket that could be a whole lot cheaper. Booking in advance can ensure you a ticket, but waiting around can give you better deals. The Asheville Airport is the closest airport, but you might want to consider arriving or departing out of an airport (that is still close) but not the very closest one to your final destination. Taking a cab, or getting a friend to drive you for an hour can save hundreds of dollars if one airport is considerably cheaper. Some people don't mind having layovers (short or long) and transferring flights. We don't recommend that the elderly, disabled, sick, incapacitated, or sickly do too much transferring (at least without ample layover time) because they run a higher risk of missing their connecting flight. Luggage fees will cost you, big time. Carry on items are free, as well as a personal item, but is this what you want? Decide for yourself. NOTE: For Holiday travelers, you might be taking Christmas/Birthday/other presents of parcels with you. If you don't need to take these things back with you (in the case of presents) make sure not to make the mistake of paying for luggage on the way back if your extra suitcase is empty. If you are traveling with your family or friends, especially little children, its definitely wise to sit together. But if this isn't important, you can save money by taking random seats along the plane. This doesn't apply with all flights out of Asheville Airport, and some plane hosts (Delta, American Airlines, etc) might not even offer discounts.

Get Your Money Back on Filled Flights

Always remember the extra bonus if your flight is full: You can often get a free flight, plus a plush free stay in a hotel with free room service. Jumping on these deals if you are single, or don't mind being separated from your party can reward you handsomely. 

Remember, the Asheville Regional Airport is always welcoming for new visitors! Asheville North Carolina is a wonderful City is Western North Carolina that offers great diversity and culture. Its also a very convenient airport and the size is very easy to handle for anyone. There are fewer problems in small airports and friendlier and more personal attendants and air marshals. 

Precautions When Looking for Cheap Flights

Traveling by plane is commonplace. It used to be that the rich were the ones on planes, but now, the previously 'less fortunate' travelers are readily traveling by air as plane tickets become more and more affordable. Not only are plane tickets now more affordable, they are definitely easier to acquire. And with the popularity of these new cheap plane flights, comes the downfalls that will always follow something good. Learn more about saving on plane flights thanks to the Asheville Airport.

Don't go with the first deal

Never hop onto the first deal you find. Why? Because you will almost always find a better deal later on. That is, assuming, that you didn't find this deal a week before you are going to leave on your excursion. There are literally hundreds and hundreds of online booking companies and websites. You should look at all of them, numerous times if you are going to find the best deal possible. So, the main point is "Shop Around". TIP: Sometimes more than one company will offer the same price. Make sure to check that there aren't any hidden feeds or differences you might have not noticed.
Second tip: Consider different airport fees that you will have to add into the total cost. Such as baggage fees. Some places (travel agencies) can give package deals. Look for these Package Deals when viewing the deals.

Don't Be Rigid

Ok, so you want to be there for Christmas in scenic Asheville. Yes, makes sure your flight leaves before the 25th of December. Want to go visit your Aunt for a relaxing vacation? Look before and after a possible date. Sometimes those deals will pop up after or before you might have originally like to leave.

Also, don't forget about indirect plane routes. The cheapest flight isn't always the quickest or most direct flight. Unlike a car ride, it really doesn't matter that much how you get there as long as you get there. Waiting an extra hour by going into Atlanta instead of Charlotte might be the best choice for your pocket.

Layovers aren't even that bad. Most people can enjoy shopping. The Asheville Airport has several local shops inter spliced into the normality stores like Starbucks. Asheville Airport and most airports offer very comfortable seats that are designed to make layovers more comfortable. And maybe you want top spend some time viewing the really cool history displays of Asheville.

Now, yes, you might want to be at your family's house for Christmas. But, traveling during the holidays is much more expensive. If it won't kill you, consider traveling during the 'off season'. Its not just the money you will have to fork out when traveling during the peak seasons, you will also have to deal with the long lines in most airports. The Asheville Regional Airport is relatively small, which is nice. Even during the holidays and prime time traveling seasons, the Asheville Regional will be undoubtedly quicker than its contemporaries.

General Airport Security

Information on General Airport Security by guest author Justenzy. Thanks for your contribution to the Asheville Airport information and general airport security in general!

Let's get started:

Airport Security

Airport security is in place to prevent threats on the plane and in the airport itself. Security in airports since 9/11 have become a serious threat, governments have taking a very serious approach to how they protect staff and passengers.

Airport Security Precautions

Higher level security measures have now been put in place. Metal detectors are now in use to prevent the smuggling of weapons such as knifes and blades.
All baggage go through a screening to find forbidden items, Things such as drugs, weapons, explosives and some food and liquid are banned from air travel and the result will be the items being seized or further consequences.
America has now implemented an x-ray which all passengers will have to undertake before boarding the plane. Some questions have been asked whether this is an invasion of privacy, but is privacy more important than safety? It was either the x-ray or a full body search, which would require a state of undress. Other countries are now following this and it is expected that most airports worldwide will soon all have x-rays or another method of full body searching.

United States Security Precautions

In the United States, Federal Police are used to secure the airport, but in places such as Australia they use trained security, which have had no prior experience with the police force.
Sky marshals or better known as Air marshals were introduced in 1970 in the United States. Air marshals are in flight security that are aboard planes and remain undercover. They have been issued in Australia, Canada and United States. They were rare until 9/11, since than it has increased dramatically.
9/11 changed airport security as we know it. Countries like Australia, Canada, United States and UK have increased the security with more countries to follow, But is there a need for all this fuss? Maybe not, but do we really want to take a risk.

The Asheville Airport has taken on all of these security measures (obviously) and we are grateful for Justenzy to write for us.

Commonly Confiscated Holiday Items

Make sure as you are flying during Christmas and the holidays you don't forget and bring these items aboard the plane. Of course, this is only if they are above 3.4 oz.

Cranberry sauce
Creamy dips and spreads
(cheeses, peanut butter, etc.)
Gift baskets with food items
(salsa, jams and salad dressings)
Maple syrup
Oils and vinegars
Salad dressing
Wine, liquor and beer

These are simply some of the festive items security is forced to confiscate every single year.

We suggest you also read our information on holiday travel at the Asheville Regional Airport.

Holiday Traveling with Asheville Airport

Bringing Gifts on the Airplane?

Yes, its hard to travel with gifts for your family and friends on an airline. We understand that, and going through security, the officials have pretty much seen everything there is to see. Its nearing Christmas, and travels are starting to bring home exotic gifts from trips, or some are already arriving to their parents for Christmas. College students are already finishing exams and traveling home for Christmas.

So, the Asheville Airport should be reminding you what you can and can't take onto a plane. There are no exceptions for holidays or special occasions. The rules still apply to 3.4 oz bottles or liquids.

Liquids to Leave At Home

While flying out of Asheville Airport you should make sure all liquids are 3.4 oz or less. You can, however, put liquids and foods in your checked suitcase under the plane. We highly advise you either ship your stuff ahead of you, or put it under the plane. We don't like to confiscate items, but sometimes it is mandatory.

Some common items to be confiscated are located in another post here.

Wrapped Gifts on Airplanes

It is perfectly find to bring a gift already wrapped on your plane flight. HOWEVER, should you have included something suspicious, illegal, or alarm triggering, we will be forced to unwrap it and inspect it. Please note, as always this is for your safety. It is often advised that you go ahead and save any package wrapping for after you've landed as package's paper are often torn on accident anyway by the passenger. Packages going under the plane are advised as always to be highly (heavily) cushioned and protected.

Asheville Airport Security

When flying out of anywhere it is important to remember the safety precautions that as put forth. (The Transportation Security Administration pretty much just works with airlines) They recently discovered grenades and pocket knives (Dec 3rd) on passengers who seemed to be oblivious to the fact they shouldn't be carrying anything remotely dangerous onto a plane.

Asheville Airport abides by the rules put forth by the Transportation Security Administration for prohibited items. All prohibited items are located at as well as trip advisably precautions, reparations, and mandates.